Who knew the toughest part of being the Mother of the Bride so far would be all this ironing? I don't iron. Everything I own is wash and wear! I am NOT good at ironing. It didn't help that I had the iron setting way too low for the first 5 tablecloths. That I had to go over them more than 4 times each. SMH! There are 22 tablecloths. I still have 8 to go as of this writing. I just realized before I went to sleep 5 hours ago, I could de-wrinkle them in the dryer to make it easier. The Maid of Honor, Ummi, offered to help me on Sunday and I turned her DOWN! What was I thinking? I'll tell you what I was thinking. I was thinking a couple hours of ironing shouldn't be too bad. But it's been over 10 hours now. I am in Ironing HELL!
On other fronts, Randy and I dropped off the Out of Town bags at the hotel yesterday. I still have about 5 left for people I'm not sure where they are staying. I did the candy buffet mock up and got all the ribbons changed. I couldn't find the decorative tags I ordered so I used some pretty business cards I had laying around. We went to Sam's to get the last of the candy and the makings for S'mores (for the pre-wedding fiesta). Got the cutest platters there for the cheese buffet with tiny little forks! Also, hit up a nursery and bought some vines to cover up the chicken coop. Firmed up with rental guy for all the party supplies at the venue. Tried to firm up with the Taco Cart Lady, but she was at a Labor Day party, so I will do that today.
Today on the rest of the agenda is getting Grandma over to the seamstress to get her dress fitted better, as well as fixing Pru's dress - zipper ripped and it's too tight and getting my dress. Picking up a ceder chest from one of my patient's and cleaning off the patio the rest of the way since no more rain (yes, rain in September in Cali!) is predicted. Mirtha wants to finish my beauty stuff either today or tomorrow. Oh, yeah, and there seem to be more IRONING!
Debating on whether to rent a larger car for transporting all this stuff to the ceremony site. But I wont do that until Thursday. Trey's parents are due in sometime tomorrow. Joel is coming in Thursday night as is Connie from Hawaii and Trey and Christa are due at 4:30.
Let the countdown continue!
My mom also did a bit of ironing ;)