Picture of Randy's Stones |

The procedure went well. Better than either Randy or I dared hope for. There is such a difference between this time and the last time he had to have this done. Randy notice immediately that he didn't feel anywhere neat the pain he felt with the last procedure. His sense of urgency to "go", wasn't nearly as bad. In the day that has passed, he is still having some pain, but it is easing and continues to gets better. He is seeing hope at last. It has been such a long time since he hasn't felt defeated by the situation. Over a year of constant pain. It works on a person's psyche. He has been so miserable for so long! But even in the bad times, his attitude has been great. He is always thinking of others. If it had been me, I would have been a royal bitch and there would have been no living with me. I adore my brave, patient, wonderful husband!
They found two stones in the ureter. The doctor is sending him for another x-ray on Monday. He is hopeful that the stone in the kidney passed into the ureter and that another procedure, this time a non-invasive one (ESWL), wont be necessary. Otherwise the stone was bigger than they thought and broke in two. They left a stent in and it is quite irritating to him. But this time they did not leave the strings hanging out of him this time and he is therefore, coping much better. They would have to leave the stent in if he needs another procedure. Let's hope it is gone completely this time!
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