Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend after St. Pattie's Day

Me at work with the Von Trapps

My mom with Sylvia and me, Felicia in the backgroud

I had a really fun time at work on St. Pattie's Day.  Everyone loved my green hair and the hat a patient let me barrow for the day. It was really quite fun!

I went to my mom's at lunch, as usual and she got SUCH a kick out of handing out the stickers Randy bought me. (He and Amber gave me a very cute card as well.)  She would ask everyone if they would like a shamrock and hand on to them and recite the poem below.

 St. Patrick's Day

Oh, my mother isn't Irish
And my father isn't too,
But today I feel as Irish
As the really Irish do.

For today I wear a shamrock
That is green in every way
And though I am American,
I am Irish -- for today!

by Aileen Fisher
Irish Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets)

Mom, Sergio, Ana and Felicia
Majella on her garden swing
They had a party for the residents at the facility and she was just glowing.  I didn't see her on Friday because I was having lunch with my patient, Majella.  But Randy  did see her and said she was still talking about it.

I had a lovely time with Majella and her cute doggies.  One is a puppy, but is a Great Dane mix, so she is HUGE.  And so sweet and cute.  I haven't uploaded the pix yet.  Majella has such a lovely garden.  I enjoyed seeing all her treasures she's collected.  She has quite the green thumb as well. Search for garden swing chair

Majella's blue glass bottle collection
We are going to have our first dance lesson for the wedding this afternoon.  Trey got his work schedule changed, but Christa and Randy and I are going to see what we can do.  I warned the guy that we are quite hopeless.  I believe I told him we are an old, fat, White couple with absolutely no rhythm!

Rossmore is having a huge neighborhood garage sale today and I'm waiting for Randy to get up and go with me.  I can't wait to see what kind of good junk we can find.

We are also going to a melodrama play on Sunday called "Back From the Future" at the playhouse in Shoreline Village.  Should be fun.  Maybe stop at the Yardhouse or Parker's Lighthouse for dinner first.  Randy wants to fit in a movie too, but I think we will run out of time.  We'll see.