Well, the day she moved out, the cat disappears so there was no question of her taking it with her anyway. I felt so bad, the kitty was gone and we couldn't find her anywhere. We looked everywhere we could think of. In closets, under beds, asked neighbors. No kitty.
I had given up hope on day four. Prudence never let her outside. She must have gotten out, gotten lost...or worse. I was so sad and upset. She was such a good little cat. Affectionate, loving, obedient, quiet, loved sitting on people's laps and just being around humans.
I went through day five convinced she just wasn't coming back. At four in the morning, I am awakened by scratching on the glass sliding door in my bedroom. I look around, all the cats are on my bed except Amber, my aggressive little orange tabby. She's growling at the door. I'm thinking, "It must be a possum or raccoon?"
I get up, turn on the patio light, and lo and behold, KITTY!
She is looking at me like, "Don't just stand there, please, let me IN!"
I opened the door, picked her up and took her to the cat food. She really wasn't that hungry or thirsty. But she was a bit dirty. I'll never know what transpired during that five-day adventure. I probably don't want to know!
Amber, the aggressive kitty |
Well, Prudence tells me she'll pick up the cat on Sunday and doesn't show up. I find out the transportation she's been using has broken down. Then I see on Facebook she got her own car. Still not getting the kitty. She finally tells me that the place she is staying will not let her bring the cat with her.
Well, I really do love this little kitty, but I can't have five cats. And while I wouldn't be very sad if one in particular (you know who you are Misty and I know you sneak-read my blog) gave up the ghost, I really can't keep this cat. I can't be the Crazy Cat Lady! I'm in my mid-forties and that's how it starts. I saw it happen to my mom and it will NOT happen to me.
So, the bottom line is, if you know someone that needs a kitty that is well-behaved, litter box trained, loving, happy, quiet, affectionate and just a great all around cat, please have them contact me.
Fluffy (my name for her), needs a NEW HOME!
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