Since I was there, I asked if she had started my dress yet. She hadn't so I had her re-measure me. I had lost 4 inches off my waist, 6 inches off my ribcage, 2 inches off my bust and 6 inches off my hips. WOOT! I'm so happy that my hard work has been paying off. Can't wait to find out the test results for my diabetes A1C!
Alex and I headed over to the house I'm renting in San Pedro for the girl's the night before and for Christa's wedding night with Trey. Wanted to make sure I knew where it was in relation to the venue (about 5 minutes away right across from Point Fermin and down the street from the Korean Bell) and to see if it would be suitable for an after-rehearsal party. Unfortunately, it's not. Looks like we'll be having a party in my back yard. It's a little far from the venue, but at least I know it will hold everyone comfortably.
The kittens are getting so BIG! Seven weeks yesterday. They should all be gone by next Saturday! The house will seem so empty without them. But, I will be glad to have some peace in the house again with the cats. The mother cat has just caused so many problems with my other kitties. Amber's great attitude has really changed and I haven't seen Trixie in days. I'm sure because of all the drama the Mom-Cat caused.
I forgot to mention that Christa had a corset back put into her wedding dress. Apparently, it is the style to have the skin show through the corset lacings. We had never heard of that! I feel so back-woods now. If it weren't for a post on Wedding Bee I would have never known. We were going to take if back to the seamstress to have a "modesty panel" installed when Christa changed her mind. She said, "I wanna be BOLD!" So she will be, LOL. I'm not 100% sure how feel about it, but I'm just going to go with it.
Randy's brother and sister-in-law are going to make it to the wedding! Yay! So excited to see them again! We have all our A-list RSVPs back and are waiting on the B-list. Looks like we stayed within our 135 target! Christa still has a few people from work (so do I) that we might invite if we get a few more regrets.
I'm starting to work on the Out of Town bags. I purchased sunglasses, t-shirts that have California Logos on them, first aid kits etc. for the tote bags. I'm working on a cute little card for them and labels. I also want to print up labels for the bottled water. Found a great template! (Wedding Water Bottle Lables) Also, from my friends on the Bee!
Christa's last day at Long Beach JetBlue is tonight. She is still trying to work out if she can delay her flight on Tuesday to Wednesday so she can finish out Ikea on Tuesday. If not, tomorrow is her last day at Ikea. She was originally told that she would be flying out on Wednesday by JetBlue personnel and they changed it last Friday. They also told her then that she would have to be in class on Saturday, August 13th. WHAT?! She was planning on flying out Saturday morning to get to her Bachelorette Party and flying back Sunday. Now it looks as if the girls will be having the party without the bride! So SAD!!! My heart really aches for her. She's had so many things come up at the last minute.
Moving, getting transfers in place, not getting RSVPs, having the rehearsal party up in the air, not getting the bar info until the last second, freaking out about her dress, not having one of the bridesmaids get the alterations done, figuring out hair and make up. She's having a rough month!
We went out to dinner with her at Hoff's Hut after she got off work last night. It was nice to connect with her one last time before she goes off to start her new life. We're lucky that she's only 45 minutes away via plane and that we still have free flight benefits!
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