Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Quick post about the candy buffet - Pic Heavy

Here is the progression of the Candy Buffet.  I did a mock up of this one for my friend's daughter's wedding which is 2 weeks before my own daughter's wedding.  I will do a similar one for Christa, but with her colors.  Luckily they are both using silver accents so I can use the same ribbons and just change the display cards.

I have been assembling the jars since I found out about the wedding.  Garage sales, Ikea, T.J. Max, gifts from friends (thanks Gillian and Annalisa), etc.

I couldn't find a template that I liked from the paper/scrapbook stores so I ordered them off Esty.  Thanks, Maria! (Her website is http://www.mariapalitousa.com/)  I used organza and satin ribbon and tacky glue to hold them on.  It took me about 5 hours from start to finish (washing the jars, figuring out which jars I wanted figuring out where to place everything, which candy to use in which jar, making the labels and so forth).

Here are the pix along the way:

1 comment:

  1. My sweet tooth approves. Everything looks great and I am sure will taste great too. I like the detailed pics of the candy bar.
