Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting ready for the weekend

So, Randy has been true to his word and taken me out (or brought food home for a romantic night ;-D )every night this week for my birthday.  He and Amber (my cat) have also been leaving cards for me all over the place.  I am married to such a romantic guy!

We bumped into my patient, Jill at Marie Calender's last night.  She and her friend, Donna, called me over and we chatted a bit.  They asked me if I could clone my husband for them, well, really for Donna.  I don't think Jill would really give up Steve for ANYTHING.  And I thought about it and told them Randy had a guy quite similar to him, but he lives in Santee.  Donna said she is willing to travel!  They had already finished their meal (doggy bags on the table) but were still there when Randy and I were leaving. They are quite the trouble makers!

Randy charged my flip camera for me and I started to play with it a bit, but I still haven't actually shot any video.  I think I'll take it to work with me today and maybe to my mom's.  She will love it and hate it at the same time.

I can't believe it's been about a year since all this started.  I was telling a patient about how last year I was in a green wig for St. Patrick's Day when I had to run to the ER for my mom.  They pointed out that I must have brought smiles to a lot of faces in that get up.  They were right.  There was LOTS of giggling.  It seems like it's gone so fast in some ways and so SLOW in others.  My mom was so healthy right before that and she seemed to recover so well at first, but after 4 bouts with pneumonia, she hasn't bee anywhere near the same.

When I got to her place yesterday, she was having a very bad memory day.  Kept repeating subjects.  Didn't remember that yesterday was my birthday even though we had talked about it several times.  Didn't remember taking me up to the UCLA Marion Davies Clinic when I was a kid.  That lasted for at least 2 years and was an ordeal.for both of us.  Couldn't remember Christa's fiance's name. Kept telling me how the activities lady needed to find a home for the "cutest dog in the world".  When she does think something is important like that, she will hold onto it and repeat it so she doesn't forget.  It's really quite amazing.  She was very glad that the musician, Sean, was going to be there to sing to them and then she was looking forward to Bible Study. 

She told me the Bible Study man was very good and really knew his stuff.  I find this very amusing because, Sharon, the other activities director, had confided to me that my mom always questions him and makes him show them where in the Bible it says whatever he is teaching and then tells him other places (from memory) where it says something different.  Apparently there is quite lively debate.

Christa has been e-mailing me all kinds of things about her wedding.  Different products, decor, design. It's nice to see her so excited.  But it's wearing me out how often she is changing her mind.  We have exactly 6 months from today to pull this together. 

She is off for the next three days from BOTH jobs.  She really wont know how to act, LOL.  She even told me that she'll probably put in for at least one shift because it's too much time off. She is meeting with Ummi, her maid of honor, today and we are supposed to go to Downtown L.A. on Saturday. Christa and I are having lunch together on Friday to go over plans and she is picking up the seashells I found at a garage sale last Saturday.

I got in touch with my high school buddy, Toni on FaceBook (when I was young face/book was an act of violence) and we are getting together on Sunday to catch up at the Stonewood Olive Garden.  Ahhh the memories of having business meeting there with Joan during my drug-pushing phase (Novartis/Sandoz).  I'm really looking forward to seeing her and hearing how she's doing.

What I am NOT looking forward to is Daylight Savings Time.  WTF?  It's like from mid March to early November now?  Why not just leave it this way and call it Standard Time if they think it saves so much energy.  I really think they should just leave the clock alone.  It's not worth the lost productivity in having everyone have jet lag for a few weeks!

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