Wedding wise we picked the invitations from Ann's Bridal Bargains They have a special where you get $15 off and free shipping for the next week (code APR15FSHP until 4/11/11). and they are already such a great deal! So Christa and I will be working on exact wording. We are also going over the layout for the hall this Saturday. We will need lots of graph paper since I haven't found any good sites to help me arrange things on line. You would think Better Homes and Gardens tool for arranging a room would be useful, but it really wasn't.

My god-daughter, Prudence, moved in this weekend. She was planning to come the first of May when her lease ran out, but she and her boy had a spat and decided it would be better for all to make a clean break. She brought her cute fluffy white and yellow kitty with her. She's quite aggressive and wont take any flack from the cats that are already here. She is also quite sweet and will come up to you to let you know she needs to be pet. I haven't seen much of Pru as she is working two jobs and hanging out with her friend, Jasimine. I did get her a very cute key made to look like a monkey. I think I'm sensing a theme here. But really Pru has been into monkeys since she was about 7 or 8.
We took another dancing lesson on Saturday. I really have to remember to video us so we can remember the steps after we leave. Randy and I actually got pretty good at the two-step. I think we'll try it out at Nina's wedding on the 16th. Trey and Christa are really coming along! I think he is really getting some confidence now that he sees he can do it. Plus, Randy and I make him look so much better by our awfulness!
It was the neighbor's granddaughter's 10th birthday on Saturday. The kids had a lot of fun. Bounce house, Limbo, music, a swing. I had fun too. Carne Asada! It was great to see everyone have such a good time. I wont even comment on the blow up donkey they used for one of the games. I mean it WAS a kid's party, but really, a blow up donkey....hmmm. I'm just saying I see issues in the future.
Mirtha, my friend and beautician who owns The Sands Salon, came over to do my mom's hair and nails. Can I just tell you how much I adore Mirtha? She is the most awesome person. She does this not just for my mom, but for anyone she knows is in a nursing home. She goes in and takes care of their beauty needs. Oh, did I mention? FOR FREE! She says it's her pact with God. I mean I would love Mirtha no matter what, but this just puts her over the top. She is the best waxer in the whole wide world. It doesn't even hurt most of the time and when it does sting, it's only for a second. And the results are AMAZING, just like her. I can't even tell you what a pedicure is like from her. There are just not enough adequate words.
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