Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mid-week Happenings

Started Tuesday by making my co-worker, Maiko, a fruit platter  for her birthday.  She said she didn't want a cake, but would LOVE this.  She and her girlfriend, Nutshell, took the day off Monday to spend it at a spa/hotel in Rancho Palos Verdes.  So we celebrated Tuesday.  I was so busy making the platter that I forgot to call and wake up my patient, Grace.  She had an appointment at 9 at another medical facility and asked me to wake her up at 6:30 which really means 6:00 if she wants to be up on time.  I wound up calling her from my car at 7:45.  Luckily she fell asleep in front of the t.v. and it woke her up at 7:00.  She actually made it on time to her appointment with they help of my other co-worker, Sean.  He is her Boy-Friday when he's not at work.  Sean had an interview with Western School of Medicine for a slot in their PT program.  It just goes to show that a lot of things you just can't judge on paper. I've seen so many people come through the clinic doing their clinicals for PT school that didn't have half the knowledge that he does let alone his ability to work with the patients and make them feel comfortable and educate them on their movements.

Saw my mom both Tuesday and Wednesday. She remembered my sisters' visit, but thought that Barb's grand baby was there too.  I guess they talked about her a lot and she got confused.  She was looking quite good on Wednesday and Randy joined me there to see her.  She really likes the man that comes and plays guitar every Wednesday.  He gives the residents great joy.  Her crazy, mean roommate, Clara, does not like him which makes me love him even more.

After visiting, Randy took me to lunch.  He is still not over his cold, but he was kind enough to give it to me, LOL.  I really think I'm getting the cough from the girls in Billing.  Kept me up last night, but I seem to be doing better now.  We really had a nice, relaxing lunch and just enjoyed eachother's company.

I called both a caterer and a harpist on my way to Mom's and still haven't heard back from either.   I read the agreement Christa signed for her venue and I think there are going to be some issues.  First off, no glass serving ware.  Does this mean no china plates?  What about a candy buffet?  Vases?  Second, she has her heart set on round tables.  The venue only rents long ones.  They will also not store anything for vendors so that means they will not let rental places come and get the stuff on Monday.  Same goes for the chairs.  She wants plastic white ones, they have metal.  See above.  Oh well, I'll talk to her about it today.

Time to call Grace, she has another appointment this morning and we are starting a whole barrage of phone calls to get her there.

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